Chloe Wade Headshot


Chloe is interested not only in how we make work, but also who we make work with and for, and strongly believes the arts should be accessible for anyone and everyone.

In 2022 Chloe set up her theatre company, Chloe Wade Productions; dedicated to amplifying the unheard voices of womxn. Her inaugural show, As SHE Likes It successfully completed an Arts Council funded tour to 30 midscale venues around the UK, in Spring 2024. Alongside the show, Chloe delivered Empowerment Workshops to educate people to identify sexual harassment & unwanted conduct.

Chloe is a previous beneficiary of Mercury Theatre Creatives Programme and Papatango Producing Course, in association with Leeds Playhouse.

Chloe is currently developing an adaptation of Jane Austen’s Persuasion, alongside Archipelago Arts.


For acting enquires:

For creative enquiries: